Friday, April 8, 2011

Pleader Leader Nexus

If one can’t understand by lessons in life than only God can make him Learn the lesson of the life.

Amalgamation of leader into pleader has left us with this constitution which was written by British keeping in mind the safeguards of their servant and themselves as well against the atrocities, loot of national wealth and shameless unsocial acts committed by them. (Read about the constituent assembly).

Now pleaders got amalgamated with leader and once again the citizen has been left to cadge and remain cad. Certain things to keep in mind while evaluating what we got and lost: -

· First we must keep in mind that priority in politics is to save chair and for that peoples mandate is required.

· In the surfaced row of scams “Congress was established as Club of corrupt, careless and conspiring people” with no explanation to save themselves. They were cornered and this agitation brought them in the center, how? Read further and comment with impartiality.

· Now by way of this agitation and it’s conclusion till now, congress has have them armed with a strong excuse “we are the party who accepted your demand to adopt your “Jan Lokpal Bill”.” How can a corrupt organization adopt a Bill against himself? It is the purpose of congress which has been served not citizens. (Swami Agnivesh said “Govt. has given us more than what we have asked for”. Also said “Govt. agreed to give us the Govt. letter but they have given us the Gazetteer with notification)” Why Govt. was so generous and more than willing to give much more than what was asked for?

· Last but not least to justify that we need to correct ourselves first and keep our third eye open or 6th sense sensitive all the time. Some questions, please find the answer. Who is Shanti Bhushan and who is Prashant Bhushan? Why we criticize Gandhi Nehru family only for ancestral promotion?


To get rid of Small Pox, dead virus of Variola Virus (Small Pox) is inoculated in man and thus immunity against the decease is achieved, that is what has happened and achieved by politicians not by citizens. Here Virus was agitation; causative organism was on face Anna Hazare.

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